Monday, February 3, 2014

Education Technology Trends for 2014

As the new year is now in full force, Edgenuity has released its list of education technology predicitons for 2014. Edgenuity is described as "a leading provider of online and blended learning solutions." In this article from PRWeb, the "Trends to Watch for 2014" are noted.

The first trend noted, "It’s All about Implementation," really caught my eye. It was the main reason I decided to highlight this article here. As my experience as a substitute in different classrooms, it has really frustrated me when I notice great technological tools that are going unused. I have even been in classrooms that are fortunate enough to have smart boards, but the teachers seem to hardly use them or use them only for one purpose. I have also heard from teachers about grants that have given their classrooms iPads. Yet there are many other teachers who do not use that tool. As the article notes, schools should create a solid plan to implement these tools so teachers will know about and can easily make use of the technology. 

Make sure to read the article to learn about the other trends that Edgenuity has predicted for the year. Here's to 2014 and hoping that Edgeunity's #1 Trend to Watch for 2014 becomes a real and successful trend for our classrooms.

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny that you said this...that teachers have technology that they are not using, because just tonight I asked my son, who is in 6th grade at a well off private school, how they use their technology in the classroom! They have smart boards, computers and who knows what else. Anyway, he said that the teacher only uses it to write their assignments on! I tried to clarify and asked again "Don't you use it for research or does she let you use anything for projects or lessons...and he looked at me like I was crazy! He said they never use anything and she only uses it to tell them what is due. I think that is frustrating just like you said. Here we are paying sooo much money to this school who has incredible resources, and they are not using it. I"m wondering if the teachers are not trained on even how to use it or to implement it into the lessons...or if they are just lazy, Ha! Frustrating none the less.
